Your Next Best Decision

Broken Decider?

Episode Summary

I know you have been told it is all your fault. That you are the one that makes “bad decisions”. That your feelings are wrong. Your thoughts are wrong. Your intuition is wrong. But here is the hard truth: IT ISN’T YOUR FAULT! (Not what you thought I was going to say, eh?)

Episode Notes

I know you have been told it is all your fault. That you are the one that makes “bad decisions”. That your feelings are wrong. Your thoughts are wrong. Your intuition is wrong. But here is the hard truth: IT ISN’T YOUR FAULT! (Not what you thought I was going to say, eh?)

You may believe that your decider is broken, but I have good news for you: it isn’t, and neither are you. You aren’t too much of anything, and your decider is always right… maybe you just need to start trusting it a little more.

You can “repair” your decider, and I am here to support you along the way. Start HERE with the FREE “Your Next Best Decision” Workshop happening June 19th and 20th.

Get signed up for the Daily Decider, where you receive tidbits of encouragement to keep making decision after decision after decision with clarity, confidence, and concision.